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Inviato: 27 novembre 2021, 16:36
da psiko
It's been a lot of time since I am not writing in TR forums. Life was tough, but I still carry on :)
Today I celebrate 21 years as Tomb Raider Level Designer :) Today, in the year 2000, I bought the official CD of Tomb Raider Chronicles, with a copy of the original Level Editor, our beloved TRLE. I started editing the right moment I arrived home, even before starting playing TRC.
I want to celebrate with a preview of a project of mine I started few months ago, using Unity 3D as level editor.


The game has classical TR mechanics and generally is a 3D platform game with some enemies to kill. I had to built almost everything by myself, learning how to do TRAPS, ENEMIES, DAMAGE to player and to enemies, how to navigate, climbable walls and ladders, pushable blocks etc etc.


But I couldn't do it alone, most of all because I am not able to wite code. I downloaded some of the graphics (not most of it) and bought some of the assets: for instance I still cannot save/load game, and I will buy a savegame system on unity asset store.


Here are some of the screenshots from the alpha version of the game: as you can see, it is colored indeed! Nut I love this graphics. I fought weeks to achieve that: it is done with real time post-processing features of Unity, and I added "outlines" to geometry to make it look as a Comic Book imagery: not cartoon, but comic book, which is slightly different.


This time I'd like to do a "jump" in level design, and I'd like to try the release of this game on Steam(TM) platform. I do not anything about this, but as everything in this game is almost original and custom from myself, I think I won't run in copyright issues. The main character will be one of mine, even if resambling still all the same a young girl with a tied ponytail.


The story is still unfolded, but it will be fun! New chances in platforming gameplay and a slightly new character. I forsee 4 levels for now, and I am finishing building the first one. The game runs smoothly and I have millions of vertices in real time :O


will follow a youtube gameplay/footage video in few days :)


Inviato: 27 novembre 2021, 17:51
da Verner
Goduria visiva all'ennesima potenza :love:


Inviato: 28 novembre 2021, 19:32
da ultraXgiotr99
Che bello rivederti psiko :)
Molto bello questo progetto, ma.... io ora voglio anche notizie di HS3 :D :P

Platinum Reviewer (263 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 13 |


Inviato: 29 novembre 2021, 16:27
da Blu
... toglie il fiato 43_38 :D

(felice anniversario Ant 3_324 )

Golden Reviewer (157 Golden Award)


Inviato: 19 aprile 2022, 11:05
da Roberto web
Ciao psiko . Belllissimo nuovo progetto, sia per piattaforma costruttiva che per grafica.
Quando pensi di poter rilasciare un filmato su you tube ?

Bronze Reviewer (38 Bronze Award)