Lara at the Valentianum

by Katya
Downloads: 189
Adventure in two levels by Katya; story: Katya F., directress of ancient history museum in a not better specified italian resort, entrustes Lara to recover a precious manuscript, kept in an ancient and guarded palace, the Valentianum, in the south of Italy. The book has to be recovered by Lara before Beatrice B., a crazy local industrialist old rival af Katya in the days of university, may use it to make a ritual that give her immortality.

Lara has to get into the palace, recover the book and the 2 sacred seals required to make the ritual, get the better of the sentries and of Beatrice herself, who has arranged a series of deadly traps to avoid someone to approach to manuscript. 3 secrets (2 in the first level, 1 in the second one). (by Katya)