Mantua's squares

by Traio
Downloads: 363
About 20 months later the released of my first level (Traio's room) I could finished this one. I began it before finishing Traio's room and with a lot of problems, remaking, and every kind of bugs, I spent on it almost two years!

The objects in the levels are almost all completely made by me and/or modified in 3D graphics, as almost all the textures in the file TGA and partly also in the file wad, especially those used for the outside areas, captured with my digital camera and then worked out in 2D graphic to remove the great deformations caused by the objective, brightness contrast etc., and also to make them particular, or full created in graphics 2D.

This level was born as my dedication to Mantua and his beautiful squares, adding some imaginations and trying to personalize it. I hope to have given an example of the beauty of this small city (as most of Italian cities), even if I think there is no comparison with the real beauty, however I hope many people will appreciate the attempt.
Another dedication, which is directly connected to the plot, is for a heroic character who a lot of people will already heard about: Tazio Nuvolari, and it was a dedication that I would have done to him however, even if I had made a different level.

The levels are big and sometimes have strange enigmas connected to the objects, so you will have to shoot to things which you would not shoot to, in the reality (or maybe yes? everything is possible....). In this time I have also retouched it in various phases to make it each time easier, also eliminating whole sections, thinking about who, not being hardened players or old Lara's lovers as me, does not like difficult situations (for me the best remain TR1 played with the Playstation, with limited savegames and just in preset points...). However I have not been able to modify various sections and I think that someone could hate me for this, so in some points I have put some signals that suggest to save or to pay attention, and in other I have put some indicative arrows for the way to follow. (now I would not have denaturalized it contrarily with these indications).

Attention therefore, when you see some red exclamation points on white background, and especially if you use some fallings blocks, save often and, other advice: do not shoot to the "friends", especially in the third level.

The game includes 24 secrets (8 per level).
From the third level, during the game, you will have to go back to the second level to find something you will need to finish the game.

Note: level playable from download