The Jerusalem Project

by masha, Clara, Sponge
Downloads: 549
Story: Like Indiana Jones before Lara wants to find the legendary Ark of the Covenant mentioned in the Bible and commissioned by God in order to keep the 10 Commandments. In Solomon\'s time the Ark was kept in the first Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. But since the temple had been destroyed by the Babylonians the Ark of the Covenant has been supposed to be lost. Lara and Zip start their trip to the Negev Desert where they want to find the mysterious loom Lara\'s deceased colleague Aaron Wessely had mentioned in his diary. This loom is said to weave flying carpets to travel into the past ...

Note: please read the readme.pdf to get more important information about the game! No installation required! You only have to run the tomb4.exe in the main folder of the level.

If you want to listen to the dialogues in German, open the folder \"deutsch\" within the folder \"audio\" and copy these ogg files into the main audio folder to overwrite the English ogg files.

It is not possible to play this level on MAC, alas.

It is recommended to play the prologue of this level before: \"The Jerusalem Project : Wessely\'s last will by Clara & Sponge\"