PC Patches
Qui di seguito verranno elencate le varie patches di Rise of the Tomb Raider rilasciate da Crystal Dynamics per PC:
Patch Number: 1.0.610.1 (Patch #1)
Platform: PC
Issue Date: 05/02/2016
Prima patch per la versione PC del gioco che risolve i problemi riscontrati e segnalati da alcuni utenti dopo il rilascio; la patch verrà applicata da Steam o Windows automaticamente al prossimo avvio del gioco, in caso contrario sarà possibile scaricarla manualmente (provate a riavviare il client Steam). L'elenco dei fix e delle opzioni aggiuntive qui in spoiler:
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Startup issues (Steam Only):
Fixed C++ runtime error showing up on startup preventing some users from running the game.
Provided work-around for issue where the VC++ redist would not properly get installed, stopping the game from starting at all.
Solved problem where the game would crash on startup when tools like Bins Taskbar organizer or Spacedesk are installed.
Updated options screen with among other things:
Independent mouse sensitivity control for aim and regular navigation.
Mouse and Gamepad X axis inversion
Option to disable keyboard button prompts.
Option to disable mouse smoothing (very light mouse smoothing is present otherwise)
Other fixes included in this patch:
A variety of fixes and improvements to UI including map, basecamps, and Remnant Resistance mode.
New graphics option 'Specular Reflection Quality' to enhance resolution and reduce aliasing of specular reflections, at some performance cost.
New graphics option to disable film-grain independently from 'Screen Effects'.
Improved HBAO+ quality, including better occlusion for distant objects.
Improved NVIDIA SLI performance. (Steam only)
Fixed SLI glitches during water/snow effects. (Steam only)
Resolution Modifier option that allows you to use a lower rendering resolution independent from window size when running in windowed mode.
Performance optimization for situations where Razer Chroma features are enabled. (Steam Only)
Improvements to Razer Chroma effects. (Steam Only)
Fixed an issue that could rarely lead to an error on machines with 16 hardware threads or more.
Fixed mouse cursor not always being hidden when using gamepad.
Fixed major stuttering in Endurance mode.
Fixes for Endurance leaderboards.
Fixed Remnant Resistance missions occasionally not starting.
Fixed rendering glitches on some objects on NVIDIA 6x0 and 7x0 hardware. Some issue do still happen and we are working with NVIDIA to resolve those in future patches or drivers.
Warning messages for users turning textures to Very High or enabling SSAA to indicate high-end hardware is required.
A variety of other smaller optimizations, bug-fixes, and tweaks.
Patch Number: 1.0.616.4 (Patch #2)
Platform: PC
Issue Date: 12/02/2016
Seconda patch per la versione PC del gioco che risolve alcuni dei problemi riscontrati e segnalati dai giocatori; la patch verrà applicata da Steam o Windows automaticamente al prossimo avvio del gioco, in caso contrario sarà possibile scaricarla manualmente (provate a riavviare il client Steam). L'elenco dei fix e delle opzioni aggiuntive qui in spoiler:
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This patch addresses a number of requests and bugs we have seen coming up in customer support as well as on the forums.
This patch will be applied by Steam automatically when you next start the game. If your game does not update, please restart the Steam client. If you are using the game on the Window Store, the update will be available in a few days, and will automatically download as it becomes available. We will update this thread when the Windows Store version is live.
Fixed Map sometimes not showing or showing the wrong region.
Fixed ALT-TAB in combination with Exclusive Fullscreen occasionally hanging the game or entire system. (Steam Only)
Fixed graphics glitches on NPC clothing on NVIDIA 6x0 and 7x0 hardware.
Fixed rare crashes with a "DX11 Internal Heap" error.
Added separate mouse sensitivity control for X and Y axis, allowing users to equalize sensitivity.
Added option to reduce in-game camera shake, for users that prefer this.
Added audio-cue for finding secrets in the relic viewer.
Fixed game changing system screen saver settings for some users. (Steam Only)
Added additional error handling and messaging in case the GPU driver is crashing or unresponsive.
Various performance improvements for GPU-bound situations. CPU bound scenarios are not impacted.
A variety of other smaller optimizations, bug-fixes, and tweaks.
While we expect this patch to be an improvement for everyone, if you do have trouble with this patch and prefer to stay on the old version we made a Beta available on Steam, Build 610.1, that can be used to switch back to the previous version.
Patch Number: 1.0.623.2 (Patch #3)
Platform: PC
Issue Date: 19/02/2016
Terza patch per la versione PC del gioco che risolve alcuni dei problemi riscontrati e segnalati dai giocatori; la patch verrà applicata da Steam o Windows automaticamente al prossimo avvio del gioco, in caso contrario sarà possibile scaricarla manualmente (provate a riavviare il client Steam). L'elenco dei fix e delle opzioni aggiuntive qui in spoiler:
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Added new option to disable the camera automatically centering behind the player when strafing.
Fixed problems where animals may not appear on a 2nd play-through of the game.
Fixed a problem where occasionally the door to the Voice of God tomb is closed and cannot be opened.
Fixed a problem causing the game to not start on machines with 32 or more hardware threads.
Fixed some foliage flickering when Dynamic Foliage is set to High while the game is running 30fps or lower.
Fixed artifacts when SSAO/HBAO+ was enabled in combination with SSAA.
A variety of other smaller optimizations, bug-fixes, and tweaks.
Patch Number: 1.0.629.3 (Patch #4)
Platform: PC
Issue Date: 01/03/2016
Quarta patch per la versione PC del gioco che risolve alcuni dei problemi riscontrati e segnalati dai giocatori, ma soprattutto migliora l'esperienza grafica grazie all'aggiunta dello stereoscopic 3D rendering la patch verrà applicata da Steam o Windows automaticamente al prossimo avvio del gioco, in caso contrario sarà possibile scaricarla manualmente (provate a riavviare il client Steam). L'elenco dei fix e delle opzioni aggiuntive qui in spoiler:
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Stereoscopic 3D rendering support added.
Supports explicit side-by-side rendering for 3D TVs.
Supports NVIDIA 3DVision or AMD HD3D (On Steam version).
Supports Windows DXGI 1.2 Stereo 3D (On Windows Store version).
Addressed some problems when the display DPI was not set to 100%, including not being able to select all resolutions.
Added some logic to retroactively grant achievements in cases where Steam failed to grant them shortly after release.
A variety of other smaller optimizations, bug-fixes, and tweaks.
Patch Number: 1.0.638.6 (Patch #5)
Platform: PC
Issue Date: 11/03/2016
Quinta patch per la versione PC del gioco che oltre a sistemare alcuni dei problemi riscontrati e segnalati dai giocatori, fornisce supporto per due nuove caratteristiche della tecnologia nel gioco (DirectX 12 e NVIDIA VXAO Ambient Occlusion technology), permettendo di migliorare non solo gli effetti visivi, ma anche le prestazioni su sistemi specifici. Per ulteriori informazioni su DX12 e #ROTTR potete leggere il
Dev Blog: Bringing DirectX 12 to Rise of the Tomb Raider. La patch verrà applicata da Steam automaticamente al prossimo avvio del gioco, in caso contrario sarà possibile scaricarla manualmente (provate a riavviare il client Steam); su Windows 10 sarà disponibile a breve. L'elenco dei fix e delle opzioni aggiuntive qui in spoiler:
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Added support for DirectX 12
DirectX 12 is a new advanced graphics API that on the right hardware can offer far better performance.
For the best DX12 performance and stability please install the latest drivers for your GPU.
http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverRe ... 9512/en-us" target="_blank
For AMD:
http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-article ... _16.3.aspx" target="_blank
Adds NVIDIA VXAO Ambient Occlusion technology. This is the world’s most advanced real-time AO solution, specifically developed for NVIDIA Maxwell hardware. (Steam Only)
Added a new benchmark feature to allow easy comparison of performance on different systems, as well as at different graphics settings.
Fixed some HBAO+ and other Ambient Occlusion issues.
Fixed motion blur problems in Stereoscopic 3D mode.
A variety of other smaller optimizations, bug-fixes, and tweaks.
Patch Number: 1.0.647.2 (Patch #6)
Platform: PC
Issue Date: 30/03/2016
Sesta patch per la versione PC del gioco che sistema alcuni dei problemi riscontrati e segnalati dai giocatori, più l'aggiornamento legato alla nuova DLC
"Cold Darkness Awakened". La patch verrà applicata da Steam automaticamente al prossimo avvio del gioco, in caso contrario sarà possibile scaricarla manualmente (provate a riavviare il client Steam); su Windows 10 sarà disponibile a breve. L'elenco dei fix e delle opzioni aggiuntive qui in spoiler:
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Bug Fixes
Gameplay / Progression fixes
Fixed an issue in the Byzantine Bath House that occasionally prevented Lara from interacting with the crank on the raft.
Fixed an issue in the Byzantine Bath House where the raft physics could become erratic and break the puzzle.
Fixed several issues with the basecamp after completing Baba Yaga that could prevent players from accessing outfits or fast travel until the checkpoint was reloaded.
Added chance to loot Deer Antlers from resource chests in Endurance.
Minor Gameplay fixes
Prevented achievement progress for ‘Season of the Witch’ and ‘Complete History of Witchcraft’ from being obtained in Replay Mode.
Prevented Survival Caches obtained in Replay Mode from counting towards ‘The Witch Bottles’ achievement.
Added a default Gold Star for Baba Yaga in Score Attack mode after completing it.
Disabled ability to select the ‘Cocktail Party’ challenge in the Witch’s Cave in Baba Yaga.
Fixed appearance of the Wraithskin and Valiant Explorer outfits in some core campaign cinematics.
Prevented Lanterns in the Ropeworks from counting twice in Score Attack mode.
Added cosmetic improvements to the final cinematic in Baba Yaga.
Additional miscellaneous fixes to Baba Yaga and Endurance mode traversal.
Some improvements to stereoscopic 3D rendering.
A variety of other smaller optimizations, bug-fixes, and tweaks.
While we expect this patch to be an improvement for everyone, if you do have trouble with this patch and prefer to stay on the old version we made a Beta available on Steam, Build 638.8, that can be used to switch back to the previous version.
Golden Reviewer (157 )