Wreck of the Alna by XianDani


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Moderatori: Simone, Siphon, Pablito

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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Wreck of the Alna by XianDani

Messaggio da Pablito »

Wreck of the Alna by XianDani




1953, the Alna, a cruise ship, sank in the Mediterranean under unknown circumstances. The few witnesses of the incident speak of a light before the shipwreck, but no one has managed to understand the cause of the incident.
For two years, Lara has been on the trail of an artifact, THE SAPPHIRE CROSS. In the course of her research, she learns that the last known position of the artifact was a ship called the Alna. The captain of this ship was the direct descendant of Kanhoji Angria, an Indian pirate who wreaked havoc in the 1700s. The legend, around this relic, speaks of a power that allows to control the waters. Thanks to this power, the pirate's family made a fortune at the expense of the English East India Company.
In her haste to discover the artifact, Lara does not realize that her greed has aroused the curiosity of mercenary wreckers.

Segreti: 3 :secret:

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Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Wreck of the Alna by XianDani

Messaggio da Pablito »

Bel livello che prende spunto dal livello il relitto della Maria Doria in TR2, buono l'inizio con 1 segreto facilissimo.. :approved:

Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
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Roberto web
Master TR Player
Master TR Player
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Iscritto il: 11 gennaio 2003, 01:17

Wreck of the Alna by XianDani

Messaggio da Roberto web »

Bene un tuffo nel passato. Spero sia diverso come trama generale :)

Bronze Reviewer (38 Bronze Award)
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Messaggi: 4561
Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Wreck of the Alna by XianDani

Messaggio da Pablito »

finito, bel game, tutto sul relitto ma divertente..3 bei segreti :approved:

Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
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