The Lost Temple of Atlantis Remake by RichardBa


Presentazione degli ultimi livelli rilasciati e aiuti per i giocatori / Presentation of the latest levels released and helps for players

Moderatori: Simone, Siphon, Pablito

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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

The Lost Temple of Atlantis Remake by RichardBa

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The Lost Temple of Atlantis Remake by RichardBa



This is a remake of The Lost Temple of Atlantis. This level is a prequel to Icy Towers, it is not only a remake, but a re-imagining. It consists of scenery, puzzles, rooms that I envisioned or planned for the first level, but I couldn't do it due to technical or skill limitations. In this level you must put an end to Natla's schemes on trying to reactivate the Temple of the Snake to restore the old Atlantean order.

Since Lara obtained the Hand of Rathmore, an artifact of Atlantean origin, Natla (in a timeline where she survived TR1 events) perceived that she could use the Helmet of Tihocan and the Qualopec's Plate to restore the old Atlantean capital, if she were to succeed this would set a chain of unprecedent events which could decimate the entire human race. Due to this capital being localized under the very Antarctic Continent, meaning that it would shift the entire continent causing mass de glaciation and massive earthquakes.

This level is a part of a trilogy called Antarctica - The Atlantean Expeditions, and also the first level of this series. There is a upcoming level and final level that will be released in Tomb Engine, I hope you guys like it.

The default controls are:

-ARROWS for moving
-SPACE for drawing guns
-ALT for jump
-SHIFT for walking
-CONTROL for action
-PERIOD for crouch
-COMMA for flare/throw flare
-0 (NUMPAD) for look
-/ for sprint

While using the Binoculars:

CONTROL for Turn lights on
Press CROUCH button to zoom in
Press ACTION/Sprint to zoom out
Advanced controls
In this level Lara is able to perform the following actions

She is able of jump out of crawlspace by pressing JUMP button while pressing FORWARD
She is able to jump backward from ledge by pressing BACK
She is able to climb into crawlspace by simply pressing FORWARD while climbing ladders
She is able to roll while crouched by pressing SPRINT
She is able to turn 180deg while in Monkey climbing by pressing BACKWARDS, or ROLL button

Segreti: 3 :secret:

Download Dim. 197.14 MB, scaricabile da TRCustoms


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Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
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Messaggi: 4561
Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

The Lost Temple of Atlantis Remake by RichardBa

Messaggio da Pablito »

7) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
5) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
4) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
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Messaggi: 4561
Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

The Lost Temple of Atlantis Remake by RichardBa

Messaggio da Pablito »

11) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
3) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
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Messaggi: 4561
Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

The Lost Temple of Atlantis Remake by RichardBa

Messaggio da Pablito »

Terminato il primo livello, alla portata di tutti, come i 3 segreti.. :approved:

Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
18) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
17) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
16) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
15) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
14) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
12) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
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Messaggi: 4561
Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

The Lost Temple of Atlantis Remake by RichardBa

Messaggio da Pablito »

26) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
24) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
22) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
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Messaggi: 4561
Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

The Lost Temple of Atlantis Remake by RichardBa

Messaggio da Pablito »

Bel game, :approved: divertente e alla portata di tutti..

Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
31) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
30) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
29) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg
27) The Lost Templeo fAtlantisRemake-V2.jpg