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The Last Plague by DHermogenes

Inviato: 13 febbraio 2023, 17:33
da Pablito

The Last Plague by DHermogenes


A new plague has arisen in Egypt. Lara Croft along with a team of archaeologists have concluded that the problem is related to the myth of the apofis snake. This creature attracts chaos wherever it is, demons are summoned on the spot and only the Ra God can defeat it. Lara Croft disagrees because she believes that the key to this problem lies in the pest site. She alone ventures into the infected ruins to lure the supposed serpent and defeat her with her bare hands.

Segreti: 5 :secret:

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Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |

The Last Plague by DHermogenes

Inviato: 14 febbraio 2023, 11:00
da Roberto web
Dovrebbe essere un bel livello . Scarico :approved:

Bronze Reviewer (38 Bronze Award)