Mists of Avalon by Titak

Topic indice livelli (2011)

Presentazione degli ultimi livelli rilasciati e aiuti per i giocatori / Presentation of the latest levels released and helps for players

Moderatori: Simone, Siphon, Pablito

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Iscritto il: 05 aprile 2009, 14:35

Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da Siphon »

Mists of Avalon


Storia: Avalon became a more and more powerful and spiritual place over the course of many years. Its priests and priestesses lived according to the laws of nature and by the movements of the sun and moon.

Morgain, also known as Morgan le Fey, was Lady of the Lake (high priestess of Avalon) during King Arthurs reign. She was Arthurs half-sister. She made for him the sheath of his legendary sword Excalibur and she is the mother of his son Gwydion.

Sometime during King Arthurs reign, Avalon started to become isolated in time and space. Lost to the rest of the world. Only the priestesses and priests of Avalon could reach it with a small boat, willing the mists surrounding Avalon to yield.

It is believed that a map to the location of Avalon is hidden in King Arthurs tomb. But where is King Arthurs tomb? According to some versions of the legend his body was buried on Avalon itself...

Atlantis was destroyed by the wrath of the Atlantean god Deios.
The survivors fled overseas, in different directions, but the Stone of Omphalis was saved from the destruction and was brought overseas to the Tor where it was placed in an underground labyrinth to harness its immense powers.

It is believed that the Stone of Omphalis has indeed great spiritual powers. The Atlanteans were able to harness and even channel this power through singing rituals, thus enabling them to build massive structures that could not be built with any of the conventional tools. This power could explain how Avalon, with the Tor at its centre, became lost in time and space.

So the legends of Atlantis and Avalon seem to be connected...

Installazione: il livello non necessita di TRLE/TRLM, per giocare decomprimere il file .zip e lanciare il gioco dal tomb4.exe incluso.

Note: When you start the game for the first time you'll get a message saying that there are JPG files in the Pix folder.
Click Okay and the included CONVERTER.exe will convert all images in the Pix folder to BMP format.
(I used JPG in the download to cut down on download size...)

I've built and tested this game using a resolution of 1680x1050 (aspect ratio 16:10) and I because of this, the load.bmp has the same sizes.
However, when played in other resolutions the load.bmp can look ugly.
This is why I made one other version of it with resolution 1280x1024 (aspect ratio 4:3), it is placed in the LOAD folder.
If you want to use this version you should copy it to the main folder.
Since it is of no use to make versions of all possible resolutions you are free to resize one of the two included versions, adjusting it to whichever
resolution you are playing the game in.

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Iscritto il: 10 agosto 2011, 22:05

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da Lory78 »

Che bella l'immagine che hai postato :) . Lo sto scaricando ;)

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Iscritto il: 05 aprile 2009, 14:35

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da Siphon »

E' il load in cartella... :)
Questo è davvero un bel regalo di Natale...

Credo sia bene tenere questo topic come generale e aprirne di volta in volta uno nuovo per i diversi livelli... :approved:

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Iscritto il: 10 agosto 2011, 22:05

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da Lory78 »

Infatti, sono curiosa di giocarlo. Spero di non bloccarmi subito, come al solito :lol:

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Iscritto il: 17 luglio 2008, 18:40

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da Raidermatty »

O. Mio. Dio. Non ci posso credere! E' uscito!

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Iscritto il: 14 maggio 2010, 18:04

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da NikNik95 »

Scarico....questo merita ;)

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Iscritto il: 21 giugno 2011, 01:05

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da Shireen »

Affascinante! Scarico *_*

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Iscritto il: 03 settembre 2011, 14:29

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da androme321 »

Bellissimo!!!! Scarico immediatamente, sembre se non me lo finisce prima di domani mattina :asd: , rivedendo le immagini mi piacciono sempre di più :love:

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Iscritto il: 18 luglio 2011, 08:10

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da Gab »

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Iscritto il: 09 gennaio 2010, 12:56

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da lee »

50_010 WOW ! chi ha giocato altri livelli di Titak sa gia' che trovera' dei livelli ottimi a scatola chiusa- per chi non ci ha mai giocato, un consiglio, scaricate subito.. 50_317
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Iscritto il: 27 dicembre 2007, 18:32

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da Syberia »

E' uscito un altro level?!! :o scarico subito!! :D

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Iscritto il: 21 luglio 2009, 22:15

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da LGG_PRODUCTION »

Bellissimo :love:
-8 livelli
-nuove mosse
-utilizzo del TRNG
-utilizzo di meta2tr
-livello unico in tutto :)
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Iscritto il: 10 dicembre 2008, 22:17

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da Sora »

Cosa? E' uscito? MUOIO.
Scarico subito!

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[Reinvent Yourself]
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Iscritto il: 12 maggio 2007, 18:37

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da [Reinvent Yourself] »

Ma è tutto o solo una prima parte?

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Iscritto il: 03 settembre 2011, 14:29

Re: Mists of Avalon by Titak

Messaggio da androme321 »

Credo sia tutto dato che nella sezione preview si parlava di questi livelli :asd: ,oppure titak vuole sorpenderci rilasciando una seconda parte :asd:

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