Deathwish by Neltharion


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Moderatori: Simone, Siphon, Pablito

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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Pablito »

Deathwish by Neltharion



*WARNING: MAP ONLY FOR EXPERTS* This level is a test to measure the skill level of the players out there, more info is provided in the readme.

Story: Three times Lara dreamed about an amazing city, and three times, she was snatched away while she was still entering through the gates of its palace. She prayed long to the hidden Gods of dream that brought anger above the clouds on unknown Kadath but nothing seemed to happen. She put hands into matter to find a way to get to the Dream-Lands. Her research lead her to find out about the "Silver Key" existence but... how could she find it? Lara searched a lot about it and discovered that there was a certain relation between the Silver Key and the lost civilization of Lemuria. Her research led to find out the Silver Key works in a very similar way to a system known as the "Decimal Numogram": "In the 1920s, the anthropologist Echidna Stillwell worked with the N'ma peoples of the island of Java. The complex cosmovisions of the three great N'ma tribes – Mu, Tak and Dibb – were determined by numerical relationships contained in the so-called decimal numogram... The investigations of the so-called Cthulhu Club and the CCRU during the rest of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st discovered that the numogram not only maps the N'ma culture, but also points to a hyperstitional matrix (Hyperstition: Fiction that makes itself real, self-fulfilling prophecies. Superstitions are a false belief while Hyperstition function to bring themselves into reality) that goes back to the continent of Lemuria in the Cretaceous period. The antiquity of the Lemurian numogram suggests that the decimal number system has been an active construct even before humanity."
Previous researches: "The first name of the libertarian pirate Captain Mission, or Mission, is lost to history. All that we know of Mission comes from the book A General History of the Most Notorious Pirates, published in London in 1724 and written by one Captain Charles Johnson (although one historian attributes this to Defoe). The memoirs of Mission, handwritten in French, were saved by a member of the crew who survived Mission's last ship; and after passing through several hands they were translated by Johnson and included in his book. On a cruise off southern Madagascar, Captain Tew and some English sailors he had recruited were marooned when they drank rum punch too late on the last night as the tide rose and carried the noble Victoire out to sea, where she cracked up on the rocks. The crew was lost, and Tew pitched a makeshift camp where he would wait to be rescued. The word lemur means "ghost" in the native language. There were taboos against killing them, and Mission had imposed an article that prohibited the killing of ghosts, on penalty of expulsion from the settlement if any crime deserved the death penalty, also prohibited under the articles, then this was that crime. We can all guess what happened, just to say, the consequences weren't good."

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Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Pablito »

Ragazzi questo game è incredibile..., ogni stanza è una sfida e occorre utilizzare oltre all'abilità anche velocità, precisione....e qualcos'altro :asd:

come questa corsa a tempo, non ci si arriva se.... :evil:
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Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Pablito »

...anche riuscire a tirare questa leva a salto in posizione diagonale sembra impossibile..... :D :evil:

Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Pablito »

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3) Deathwish.jpg
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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Pablito »

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Roberto web
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Iscritto il: 11 gennaio 2003, 01:17

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Roberto web »

Si e' una sfida continua. Ci sto giocando un po', consumando i tasti per le prove di salto ecc... :oops:

Bronze Reviewer (38 Bronze Award)
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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Pablito » bisogna trovare il punto giusto... :evil: :asd:

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Final Danielecker
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Iscritto il: 18 novembre 2007, 14:35

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Final Danielecker »

Pablito ha scritto:
18 marzo 2022, 14:32 bisogna trovare il punto giusto... :evil: :asd:
Consigli su come fare questo salto ? Penso che la strategia sia farlo lato destro cercando di curvare a sinistra all'ultimo momento.
Tra la teoria e la pratica, però, ho già spaccato tre tastiere e quattro monitor :asd:

EDIT: Effetto forum :sbam:
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Platinum Reviewer (363 Platinum Award) | Golden Award 08 || Bronze Award 09 - 10 |
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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Pablito »

Final Danielecker ha scritto:
18 marzo 2022, 19:13
Pablito ha scritto:
18 marzo 2022, 14:32 bisogna trovare il punto giusto... :evil: :asd:
Consigli su come fare questo salto ? Penso che la strategia sia farlo lato destro cercando di curvare a sinistra all'ultimo momento.
Tra la teoria e la pratica, però, ho già spaccato tre tastiere e quattro monitor :asd:

EDIT: Effetto forum :sbam:
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Ciao Final....ben trovato :approved:

Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Pablito »

Anche questo salto non è tra i più facili... :evil: :approved:

Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
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9) Deathwish.jpg
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Messaggi: 4515
Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Pablito »

Altra sfida.....i vasi colorati :sbam: ...ora ho raggiunto questa leva. :mumble:

Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
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Final Danielecker
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Iscritto il: 18 novembre 2007, 14:35

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Final Danielecker »

Pablito ha scritto:
18 marzo 2022, 21:45
Final Danielecker ha scritto:
18 marzo 2022, 19:13
Pablito ha scritto:
18 marzo 2022, 14:32 bisogna trovare il punto giusto... :evil: :asd:
Consigli su come fare questo salto ? Penso che la strategia sia farlo lato destro cercando di curvare a sinistra all'ultimo momento.
Tra la teoria e la pratica, però, ho già spaccato tre tastiere e quattro monitor :asd:

EDIT: Effetto forum :sbam:
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Ciao Final....ben trovato :approved:
Grazie Pab ! Anche se il livello è abbastanza allucinante, quindi non so quanto sia "ben" questo "trovato" :asd:

Platinum Reviewer (363 Platinum Award) | Golden Award 08 || Bronze Award 09 - 10 |
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Iscritto il: 09 marzo 2007, 20:21

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Pablito »

Dopo quest'ultima fatica....stoppo e vado a letto...buonanotte :hello: :asd:

Platinum Reviewer (345 Platinum Award) | Bronze Award 08 || Silver Award 09 |
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Final Danielecker
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Iscritto il: 18 novembre 2007, 14:35

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Final Danielecker »

Dopo c'è un salto assolutamente allucinante.
E dalla discussione sul forum di trle la community non l'ha presa benissimo... l'autore mostra come farlo in un video, e lui stesso impiega una valanga di tentativi.
Se qualcuno avesse un save dopo suddetto salto (o riuscisse a farlo dal mio che lascio in allegato), sarebbe molto apprezzato :sbam:

Platinum Reviewer (363 Platinum Award) | Golden Award 08 || Bronze Award 09 - 10 |
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Final Danielecker
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Iscritto il: 18 novembre 2007, 14:35

Deathwish by Neltharion

Messaggio da Final Danielecker »

Ho perso il conto dei tentativi ma ci sono riuscito.
Lascio il savegame dopo il salto per chi non fosse masochista come me :asd:

Platinum Reviewer (363 Platinum Award) | Golden Award 08 || Bronze Award 09 - 10 |
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