Twenty-minute-tales 1: When the Clock strikes Midnight

by Cory Smith
Downloads: 34
The Elite Four, headed by a certain Gary Oak, are a group whose main aim it is to turn the friendly area of Kanto into what can only be described as a battlefield full of wild monsters and people, known as trainers, who look to attack anything that moves. In order for the Elite Four to carry out their plan, they need the help of Team Rocket, led by a man known as Giovanni. The only person who stands in their way is a 10 year old boy called Ash Ketchum, who has foiled Team Rocket on several occasions. He knows, however, that he needs help if he is to defeat the Elite Four once and for all, so he sends a letter to Lara. The letter reads:

We in Kanto are in trouble, and you are the only one who can help us. Giovanni has nearly completed his mission and once he has, nothing will stand in the Elite Fours way. Lara, you must enter Giovannis factory and shut down production. Then escape through the teleporter, all before the clock strikes twelve. At twelve, the power is shut down, and you will be unable to escape. If you succeed, then you will have brought us some valuable time.


After reading the letter, Lara immediately enters Giovannis factory and shuts down production. She runs towards the teleporter...

When The Clock Strikes Twelve.

Now the teleporter power is out and Lara must find and use the teleporter fuses in order to make her escape. But beware, Giovanni is not too happy with Lara for delaying their mission, so his men have orders to kill on sight.

NOTE: This Tomb Raider Level has nothing to do with Pokemon in any way.

Note: level playable from download, no TRLE/TRLM needed.